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Consultoria sobre fome e insegurança alimentar – home office

liberado em 19 de junho de 2024

Home Office, Brasil, AL | Alagoas
Analista Social
Engenheiro Agrônomo
Engenheiro de Alimentos
Médico Veterinário
Tecnólogo em Alimentos


  • Deliver a work plan for the consultancy process;
  • Learn about the Public Policy Observatory of Alagoas;
  • Participate in meetings with the organization and other partners;
  • Discuss with technical team members about the indicators mapped and to be suggested for the Public Policy Observatory of Alagoas;
  • Develop a policy analysis for the Alagoas sem Fome Program, including the concepts, references, and adopted methodologies, using the Public Policy Observatory as a monitoring and evaluation tool;
  • Systematize and analyze the actions implemented by the Program, including the potential, challenges and gaps in its management, governance, and M&E;
  • Map international and national good practices related to combating hunger and food insecurity, including intersectional approaches such as gender, race, social technologies, urban-territorial development, or others that are relevant;
  • Develop recommendations for the management, governance, and M&E of the Program, considering the Public Policy Observatory as a tool for monitoring state public policies;
  • Train technical teams and decision-makers on the recommendations and the M&E framework proposed for the Program;
  • Propose recommendations to change the scenario and align with the 2030 Agenda and NUA; and
  • Deliver detailed documentation used to produce the report organized.


  • Academic Qualifications:
    • Required
      • Postgraduate Degree (Latu Sensu or Stricto Sensu) in public administration, public health, nutrition, economics, agronomy, human development, social sciences, or related fields is required, or additional four (4) years of relevant experience to the post, beyond the requirement.
    • Desirable
      • Expertise in research methodologies, data analysis, implementation of monitoring frameworks, and evaluation of policy effectiveness to guide informed government decisions.
      • Expertise in applying intersectional frameworks to analyze and address social issues such as gender, race, social technologies, sustainable urban-territorial development, and other relevant topics will be an asset.
  • Experience
    • A minimum of six (6) years of professional experience in social, economic, or urban development planning while working with areas related to Hunger and Food Insecurity is required.
    • Previous experience within the UN System will be an asset.
  • Skills
    • Good handling of tools such as Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office is required.
    • Professional or academic experience with data analysis, public policy, and impact evaluation.
    • Previous experience in research aligned with the 2030 Agenda and NUA will be an asset.
  • Knowledge Management
    • The person must know the processes, procedures, and norms of organization, in order to guarantee an adequate quality of the activities described above, following the standards of the organization.
    • The person will propose formats and procedures that allow the efficient implementation of the activities related to the project development.
    • The person must know the file of the Office, work with it, and ensure its proper maintenance, accessibility for all staff, and due updating.
    • The person will prepare databases related to the project running.
    • The person will make sure that all relevant technical information will be adequately shared with the correspondent staff.
    • The person will ensure that all produced material will be fit-for-purpose and delivered, in an organized way, for posterior consultation and use of the Agency.
    • The person will only share the information produced with the team agency, assuring the privacy of the content.
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Consultoria sobre fome e insegurança alimentar – home office

liberado em 19 de junho de 2024
Alagoas, Brasil, Home Office
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