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Agente de atendimento local – Cuiabá/MT

liberado em 20 de março de 2024

MT | Mato Grosso
Efetivo (CLT)
Engenheiro Agrônomo
Engenheiro Ambiental
Engenheiro Florestal
Gestor Ambiental
Tecnólogo em Agroecologia
Tecnólogo em Gestão Ambiental

Task description

  • Prepare the Working Plan together with the Project Management Unit and the Forest+ Local Coordinator, and to execute it as established;
  • Provide face-to-face and remote assistance to owners of rural properties with up to 4 fiscal modules, for access to the owner/possessor center in the Rural Environmental Registry System (SIMCAR). This service may take place at the State Secretariat for Family Agriculture and the Environment, Departments of Agriculture, Departments of the Environment, Federations, Unions and Rural Cooperatives and other institutions, according to the activity plan;
  • Help small family farmers of rural properties with up to 4 Fiscal Modules to carry out the declaration of their rural properties in the “CAR – Cadastro Ambiental Rural” and/or the correction of their registers;
  • Support the Local Coordinator in technical training events at the State Secretariats for the Environment and Agriculture, as well as at institutions supporting rural property owners and holders on procedures for joining the Forest+ Amazonia pilot project;
  • Support, within the scope of State Secretariats, Federations, Unions and Rural Cooperatives, among other institutions, the owners, and holders of rural properties of up to 4 fiscal modules, in the process of meeting the notifications and rectification of the CAR;
  • Inform procedures for complying with CAR analysis notifications and the environmental regularization process;
  • Provide response to queries regarding the implementation of the “Lei de Proteção da Vegetação Nativa (Código Florestal Brasileiro)”, focusing on the possible benefits of recovering areas or forest assets existing in the property;
  • Engage with owners and holders to join the Floresta+ Amazonia Pilot Project;
  • Assist potential beneficiaries of the Floresta+ Amazonia Pilot Project in joining the project;
  • Other related tasks may be requested or assigned by the supervisor.


  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in Geography, Environmental Engineering, Forest Engineering, Agronomy, Environmental Management, Biology or related areas;
  • Candidates with Technologist (Tecnólogo) diploma in Environmental Engineering, Forest Engineering, Agronomy, Environmental Management, Biology or similar areas will be considered;
  • 3 years of experience in socio-environmental analysis of rural properties with a focus on the Federal Law nº 12651/2012 in the location of the assignment (state of Mato Grosso);
  • Proven professional experience in the “CAR – Cadastro Ambiental Rural”, for instance, with registration, analysis and assistance to the owner/holder of rural property is required;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of “Lei de Proteção da Vegetação Nativa (Código Florestal Brasileiro)” and related regulations.
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